Oliver Rummler Germany


"In Summer 1995 I found an old Trixonset in very bad condition. In Germany I could not get any new coverings because the manufacturers closed years ago. So I spended a lot of time and money for telephonecalls until i found a source for those things. I recovered this Trixonset in "Sky blue Pearl" and played it for while. Many drummers asked me about my "new" Kit and I thought when I need such things, why not selling the stuff to other drummers and collectors. So I started this company with coverings. Later Kellershells and Hardware were the next things in the store and now I am building Snares and Drumkits in any size and colours for customers with special wishes. I am still looking for other things that drummers need , if you have any new ideas ,or parts you are looking for, send me an email."
Gerd Stegner
Schlagzeugrestauration Stegner

  - recovered
This set is now playing by Oliver

A Single Records pocket of the late 50s found by Oliver Rummler.
Notice the Speedfire set in the center.


This site was registered 2001
last update 04-2012